Dear Residents,
The Village of Kinderhook will be holding a referendum to vote on the Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) for our volunteer fire fighters.
A referendum is general vote by the electorate on a single question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. For a municipality to implement a LOSAP program, it is required by New York State law to hold a referendum.
A LOSAP is a pension-like benefit awarded to public safety volunteers and fire fighters at retirement age who satisfactorily serve over a period of time.
Our referendum will be held on Tuesday, October 17th from noon to 9 pm at the Village Hall. All registered voters are encouraged to vote.
We only have fifteen active volunteer firefighters who respond to 911 emergencies throughout the Village of Kinderhook and parts of the Town of Kinderhook.
This financial incentive not only serves as a small token of gratitude to those who have volunteered for decades and responded to our calls for help, but it will also serve as an incentive to keep our volunteer firefighters serving and attract additional residents to volunteer and serve as well.
The benefit will cost the village approximately $18,000 annually. We have elected to include a service credit of up to five years for the volunteer fire fighters who have already been servicing for five or more years. This will cost the village an additional $7,000 for the first five years of the LOSAP plan.
In anticipation of this program, the village’s FY24 budget already includes $25,000 for this program cost. We were able to include this cost without raising taxes on residents. We are confident that with our long-term financial planning, the village will be able to continue this expense in the years ahead with minimal impact on our budget.
The full resolution may be read here: VOK LOSAP Resolution 2023
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I hope to see everyone at the Village Hall on October 17th to cast their votes.