Dear Residents,
At the link below is the Village of Kinderhook’s Roadway Capital Improvement Plan. Completed with the support of engineering firm Tighe & Bond.
Kinderhook Roadway Capital Improvement Plan – Final
The goal of this Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is to determine what roadway improvements are necessary to meet current and future roadway system needs over a 10-year planning period. This evaluation can be an effective asset management tool that balances roadway improvement priorities with capital expenditures spread out over the planning period. The Tighe & Bond team worked with the VOK Department of Public Works (DPW) to gain an understanding of current baseline conditions for the Village roadway system, to identify and evaluate necessary improvements, and to provide a prioritized program of capital improvements and planning-level opinions of probable cost for the selected improvements.
A field inventory and roadway condition assessment were performed by Tighe & Bond during May and June 2022. The inventory occurred over the course of multiple days. This effort included field roadway infrastructure assessment and Geographic Information System (GIS) database development to organize and quantify roadway infrastructure features into defined condition categories. The conditions assessment categories utilized are defined by the Cornell Local Roads Program Pavement Maintenance Manual1 and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program2.
Tighe & Bond evaluated and detailed each roadway infrastructure component, utilizing the Cornell Local Roads Program rating system for each street in the Village. The data was compiled into spreadsheets for tabulation. The compiled field data spreadsheets are summarized in the sections of this report, and full data tables are provided in Appendix B, outlining the infrastructure assessed on each street.
The contents of this report are recommendations to inform the Village Board when prioritizing future improvements and making budget decisions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Thank you!